Náplň práce:
- manipulace s materiálem na vstupu a výstupu v rámci skladu práce na VZV
- zkušenosti ve skladě
- základní znalost MS Office
- spolehlivost a pečlivost
- ochota pracovat ve směnném režimu
- mzdu od 24.000 Kč
- dovolenou ve výší 20 dnů
- příjemný a přátelský kolektiv
- nástup ihned možnost převodu do kmenového stavu společnosti práci na HPP
This announcement is aimed at both sexes according to the 903/77. To apply for this opportunity, candidates must send their CV to be included in our database. Once the candidate is present in the database, their CV can also be used by Orienta for future job openings, which will also be communicated via email. To ensure greater protection for interested candidates, it will be possible to manage your consent of privacy as well as an independent request for the cancellation of your data sharing. By applying to this announcement, you accept the above mentioned and declare that you have accepted the Privacy Policy on the website